Gyms, Cinemas and More Will Be Reopening in Dubai

Gyms in Dubai reopen

Gyms, cinemas and a whole host of businesses will be opening their doors starting today (May 27, 2020).

The emirate will resume the gradual reopening of business activities on Wednesday from 6am to 11pm in the city’s latest move to ease Covid-19-related restrictions, according to government announcements yesterday.

This includes cinemas, gyms, training and educational centres, entertainment centres like Dubai Ice Rink and more. However, strict social distancing and other precautionary measures are in place for public health and safety reasons amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.

Following the announcement, the Dubai Media Office also outlined general key rules that must be followed by businesses in order to reopen that can be found here

This announcement came after it was confirmed restrictions in Dubai are set to be reduced from Wednesday May 27, 2020 – the curfew hours will change from 11pm to 6am, meaning people must stay home during these hours.

“We have been following the severe impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on countries around the world. What makes us different is our ability to deal positively with changes and our agility. We have all the elements necessary to adapt to these challenging circumstances. I am confident that all members of the society will come together to overcome this crisis as soon as possible,” Sheikh Hamdan added.

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